Today I'm Thinking | It's Time For a Warm Welcome...
Welcome to the Today I’m Thinking Blog!
Recently I began saying, “today, I’m thinking” as a way of reminding myself that I don’t, and will never, have life all figured out. Even if I think I do on some days, I am quickly reminded that I don’t. Changing our minds is a natural thing and can even show our willingness to learn, adapt, and grow as our perceptions, perspectives, knowledge, and awareness evolve. Also, this phrase reminds me that no matter how profound an idea might seem to me or how angry I might feel about something - it’s just me thinking and feeling - it’s not permanent. Chill out! Today I’m thinking this, feeling that….tomorrow is a whole new can of worms lol.
With that said, I would also like to remind you that the same is true for YOU in your life. The most magical moments won’t last forever and neither will the darkest. We can change our minds, change our opinions, change our attitudes, and on and on forever. It’s OK. Everything in existence is changing, so allow yourself to, too! Hopefully, every day we learn, experience, feel, or create something that changes us into a more beautiful and wise version of ourselves. And on those days that we just plod along and get through the day? That’s OK too. I can promise you that you’ve still learned something even if it’s not knowable now.
“Everything in existence is changing, so allow yourself to, too.”
These blog posts will be created and delivered with sincerity, love, and the hope that they inspire your heart to feel a little freer, your mind a little clearer, and your soul a little more seen and understood. I am truly fascinated by the human experience and all of its facets. I try to see life from many perspectives and place an artful spin on the joy and pain of being human. You are a work of art. Life is a work of art. Let’s talk about it and attempt to elucidate our experiences. My life, like everyone’s, has been filled with joyful and heartbreaking moments. If I can glean growth and understanding from each experience, distill it into something meaningful, and then share it openly, I trust that I am contributing to making this world a little kinder and more conscious. I encourage you to do the same in your circle of special people remembering to be gentle in your opinions and assertions because, like everything in the universe, they can change and sometimes should change.
So, TODAY I’m thinking, as we go forward with life, let’s give ourselves permission to change our minds, opinions, dreams, and life situations whenever the best version of ourselves calls for it.
I’m Erica Rose Vucich. Welcome to the blog.
I’m so glad you’re here.